
A fascinating city that represents the transition from the Olmec to the Maya culture.

Olmec means “men who work the rubber” and is considered a mother culture ancestor of the Maya.

A canvas of a carved stone from Cotzumalguapa

Takalik Abaj was founded in 800 BC. during the early Preclassic period (1000 to 800 BC), on the coast of Guatemala, the current town of El Asintal, Retalhuleu, about 200 kilometers from Guatemala City.

Its economy developed around Cacao, a native fruit of Central America.

The oldest royal tomb in America was found here, the burial of the ruler Kutz Chman, between 770 and 519 BC. with jade necklaces, wristbands, a headdress, and six female figures known as “The Offering of the Dolls.”

The site is on the list of candidates for World Heritage Site by UNESCO, an impressive place that makes us travel to the past to understand the present and connect with the future.

The presence of Olmec art is common throughout the southern coast of Guatemala.

The area where Takalik Abaj is located is surrounded by an impressive tropical forest, a refuge for endemic fauna of the region. You can stay at Takalik Maya Lodge and take bird watching tours, tours of coffee, rubber, macadamia, and cocoa plantations, horseback riding, crystal clear water springs, and camping in the forest.

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